If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times . . . Rogue is one of my favorite breweries. They have an amazing variety of fantastic beers with creative themes and labeling. Rogue beer simply rocks!
So, when I spotted Voodoo Doughnut in it's bright pink bottle with the creepy dark eyed fellow on the label surrounded by little piggies it required further investigation. What did this closer inspection reveal? Maple and . . . OH MY LORD . . . BACON!
Bacon Maple Ale . . . I sh!t you not! I think I just died and went to heaven.
Needless to say a snagged a bottle (or three) . . . at $15 a bottle.
The timing of the discovery of Rogue Voodoo was fortuitous.
Hubby and I go camping every year in the fall. A tradition for us is that after we set up camp and are all settled in we share a beer . . . preferably a really good beer.
Voodoo was it! Ah, but would it meet our expectations . . . bacon maple beer? How could it not? What's not to love.

I'm not a huge fan of smoked beers but this one rules! It's not too smoky, not too bitter, not too sweet . . . all of the flavor are really nicely balanced and the overall taste is quite remarkable.
I would rate Rogue Voodoo as excellent. I can't wait to pop open another bottle!

(5.6% ABV)
Visit Rogue's website or check them out on Facebook.
Bacon infused burbon? yum. Finally someone other than myself that actually enjoyed this beer. I should pick another bottle up.
I infused the bourbon myself and it is really quite delicious. See my blog post on how to make the bourbon . . . easy peasy . . . http://cher-homespun.blogspot.com/2012/10/firewater-friday-bacon-infused-bourbon.html
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