Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sriracha Hot Stout

I love sriracha. I mean, come one, who doesn't. It's like hot sex in a bottle. Without the sex. Because seriously you don't what that sh!t any where near your sexy parts. Yowza!

I've clearly established that I'm a fan of sriracha. But sriracha in my beer?

Hmm . . .

Hell ya!

I love a good pepper beer. To my taste, a pepper beer should subtly incorporate the characteristics of the pepper but not be overwhelmed by them - either in flavor or heat.

Sriracha Hot Stout (5.7% ABV) brewed by Rogue does this quite well.

It pours dark with a thick creamy head.

The aroma is dark roasted malts, fresh coffee, and a whisper of peppers.

The taste is a classic Rogue stout, roasty malts and coffee flavors with a tinge of hoppiness. The pepper flavor is subtle and not particularly hot up front. The heat comes through in the finish and beyond. In fact, the heat builds quite pleasantly as you drink - almost, but not quite, too hot.

The mouth feel is smooth, gently carbonated, and warm (then warmer and warmer).

Overall: Good

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