Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sound Brewery Monks Indiscretion

There are some beers I just have to try . . . usually a trip to the beer store will satisfy a want and sometimes it's pretty hard to get my hands on a bottle.  A west coast beer I've wanted to try for a while is from a small brewery that sells to a limited distribution area . . . luckily Marina Market in Poulsbo, WA is willing to ship beer and other stuff to wherever (for a price).

Monks Indiscretion from Sound Brewery is that beer.  It was recommended by a fellow beer lover and was pretty high on my list of beers to try.

I'm glad I made the effort . . . it was well worth it.

Monks Indiscretion pours a lush golden yellow with a light frothy head.  The beer smells intense and strong . . . there is much promise to the aroma but can the beer deliver? Oh yes . . . yes, it can!  First of all, it is indeed strong with a 10% ABV.  

There are a lot of complex flavors mingling together . . . it tastes tart fruity with yeasty undertones and a bitter hop finish.  It has a boozy quality that makes it almost brandy-ish.

Monks Indiscretion is a sipping beer, something to be savored and enjoyed.  I think it would pair well with simple plate of fruit and cheese or a big honkin' steak.

This is one of those beers I didn't want to have to share, but hubby was sitting right there and it would've been quite rude . . . not to mention detrimental to marital bliss . . .  not to pour him a glass.  

Monks Indiscretion met and exceeded my expectations.  It is truly a remarkable and enjoyable brew . . . really quite amazing.  


Visit Sound Brewing's website or check them out on Facebook.

A view of Deception Pass near the Sound from a visit a few years ago . . . a beautiful place to visit.  Check out Sound Brewery if you're every in the area.

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