Monday, January 14, 2013

Dogfish Head Red & White

I've not yet come across a Dogfish Head beer I didn't like. Limited release Red & White, a Belgian style witbier,  is just bursting with wheat flavor. 

I don't love this one, but I liked it.  If you're a fan of wheat beer then you're going to love this one.  

Red & White (10% ABV) pours a rich honey gold that seems to have a light of it's own.  In the glass, it is dense and cloudy in appearance with a thick white head that dissipates quickly leaving behind lovely lacing.  The aroma is wheat with citrus, caramel malt and spice.  

There's a lot going on with the flavor profile of this beer.  Personally, I think the wheat is a bit much but there's more to it than just that.   Red & White is brewed with Pinot Noir juice;  I can't say that I got much of that.  What I tasted was predominantly wheat accompanied by orange and other citrus flavors.   There's malty sweetness in the middle that lingers.  The coriander is hinted at on the back end with a bitter finish that melds with the persistent malt presence.  

The mouth feel is full and rich but there's tons of bubble action going on, as well.  There is also a alcohol taste and feel throughout.

Red & White is not for the casual beer drinker.  It would be most appreciated by someone who likes a bold beer with tons of character - and who loves witbier.

Overall, very good.

Visit Dogfish Head at their website  or on Facebook 

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