I recently wrote a piece about my theory on why beer that is brewed in Brooklyn leaves an odd aftertaste - read here.
Six Point beer, which is brewed in Brooklyn, is no exception. Except that this odd left over taste is less obvious in their darker beers. Generally speaking, their beers are pretty good and they very often get rave reviews so I keep going back to try new ones. But I still get that off taste.
Not to belabor the point or bludgeon a dead horse, in the following reviews for three different Six Point beers I will not mention it. However, you may just assume that the off taste is there, because it is.
The Crisp (5.4% ABV) is my favorite Six Point thus far. Formerly known as Sehr (German for "very) Crisp, it is a pilsner style beer. It pours a bright honey yellow. It bubbles up a big airy head that leaves behind layers of lovely lacing. The Crisp has a nice hoppiness, as is expected, that is meadowlike - grassy, earthy. What I didn't expect was how malty it was. The maltiness is not particularly sweet but kind of bready. It's not overpowering, by any means, but it's clearly there and supports the hops quite nicely. The hops linger at the back of the tongue. Overall - good.
Brownstone (6% ABV) pours a cloudy caramel color with a rootbeer like head that dissipates quickly. The aroma is like a malted chocolate cookie. The taste is reminiscent of a Russian Imperial Stout - malt, coffee and chocolate. Malty sweetness is strong throughout but finishes with a nice hoppy bite on the tail end. It's got a medium mouth feel with a lot of effervescence. A nice balance of sweet and bitter. Overall - good.
Diesel (6.3% ABV) pours a very dark reddish brown with a thick tan head that leaves behind some impressive lacing. The aroma is piney hops with cocoa and coffee notes. The taste is very similar to a black IPA but with a stoutlike coffee and chocolate quality. The malty sweetness comes through first and then transitions into a nice bitter hoppiness. The combination of coffee and dark chocolate combined with the earthiness of the hops makes for an interesting balance of flavors. The mouthfeel is thinner than I'd expect from a stout but exactly what I expect from a black IPA. Good drinkability. Overall - very good.
For more information about their different beers check out Six Point's website or visit them on Facebook.
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