Thursday, September 18, 2014

Beer and Barbecue

We found the Ugly Dog Saloon - a little local watering hole - within walking distance of our hotel. The menu was barbecue. Mmmm, nom nom nom.

I was more hungry than thirsty, so I immediately put in for an order of ribs with a side of mac-n-cheese and chili.

The food was fabulous. The ribs were fall off the bone, the macaroni was home made, the chili was delish, and the cornbread had a fire all its own.

I love it when a quest for good food also results in new beer experiences. There were two new-to-me brews on tap. Score! Aside from the typical macro beer fare, there were two beers on tap that I'd never had before. So, of course, I got one of each.

Canebrake (5% ABV) by Parish Brewing is an American Pale Wheat Ale. It pours a clear honey gold with a finger of foam that rapidly diminishes.

The aroma is almost non-existent. There is a subtle wafting of malt and grain.

The taste is soft and mild. There's a bit of sweet malt and wheat. A touch of lemon and earthy hops contrast and compliment the otherwise sweet flavors of the grains. The finish is clean and dry.

The mouthfeel is medium to light with good carbonation.

Canebrake is very light tasting, which makes this brew incredibly slam-back-able.

420 Extra Pale Ale (5.4% ABV) by
SweetWater Brewing pours a bright clear orange with a decent sized white head that leaves behind tight lacing.

The aroma was lightly citrus and not much else.

The flavor was that of a nice refreshing pale ale. Mildly bitter with a burst of citrus and a touch of underlying malty sweetness. The finish is crisp and clean.

The mouthfeel was smooth and moderately bubbly.

420 was a pleasant surprise. A very drinkable brew with a nice little bitter bite. Refreshing and quaffable. I like it!

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