Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lone Wolfe Brewing

When we're vacationing in New Hampshire, we make a point of stopping in to see Ash and Matt at Sap House Meadery. It's great to hear what new meads are in the works and what latest & greatest award they've won. Their latest achievement being named Young Entrepreneurs of the Year for 2014. That's SO awesome!

Who knew that that brief visit would lead us to a brandy spanky new brewery just a short ride away??

We're chatting it up with Ash when he mentioned that a brewery just opened it's doors for the first time the day before and that we had to check it out.

"Okay, Ash, twist my arm." Ow owie!!! Not for real!! Sheesh.

 He drew us a little map and we were on our way.

Lone Wolfe is a  nano brewery tucked in behind a restaurant in the middle of Wolfeboro, NH. The brewery may be small, but the tasting room is cozy and inviting. We met Graham - owner/brewer - as he was setting up for his second day in business. He was kind enough to allow us sample his brews, show us around, and talk about his new venture.

Graham is the 'lone' in Lone Wolfe (as in Wolfeboro). He is sole brewer and owner; he puts his unique spin and special touch on classic brews.

Hefeweizen (4.7% ABV) has all the characteristics of the classic German wheat beer.

It pours a hazy honey gold with a cling of white foam. The aroma is banana, clove, bubblegum. The taste is typical of the style - banana, spices, yeast, grain, etc. - but with some other flavor I couldn't quite put my tastebuds on. The mouthfeel is medium with gentle carbonation.

Overall: good

Amber Ale (4.5% ABV) is not your usual amber.

It pours a dense reddish brown with a halo of foam. The aroma is malty with a hint of smoke. The tasty is much the same. The smoke adds depth of character and changes this standard ale into something a little bit special. The mouthfeel is medium-ish and effervescent.

Overall: good

SH Citra IPA (6.5% ABV) is a standard style IPA. Not too big, but just right.

It pours a haze red-orange with a big floof of clingy froth.  The aroma is all tangy citrus hops.  The taste is bold grapefruity citrus and dank hops. There is just enough malty sweetness to offset the bitterness. The mouthfeel is medium with loads of bubbles.

Overall: good

Milk Stout (5.1% ABV) is the star of this line up.

It pours a dark sable brown with a thick cap of foam. The aroma is dark malt, cocoa, and coffee. The taste is deep roasty malts and coffee but milk chocolate dominates the palate. There is just a touch of bitterness balance out the roasty bitterness. The mouthfeel is crisp and airy. I'd expect a creamier feel, but it's not off-putting.

Overall: very good

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