After a thrilling Ride to the Sky up the Mount Washington Auto Road to clear amazing views at an elevation of 6288' above sea level and then on to more twisty turny fun through various notches and tree lined country roads, a fine meal of good steak and craft beer was well deserved.
An awesome meal of Delmonico steak au jus with locally sourced mushrooms and a big honkin' hunk of mud pie at the Red Parka Pub and Steakhouse was very well deserved and heartily enjoyed.
And beer. Three - count them - three new to me beers on tap. Of course, I had to try them all. A no brainer for sure.
Mostly Cloudy (4.70% ABV) a witbier by Long Trail.
Classic for the style. Light, drinkable, and refreshing.
It pours a hazy sunny orange with a pillow of white foam. The aroma is light and yeasty with a touch of fruity funk. The taste is much the same. The mouth feel is gently effervescent. It goes down easy with smooth quaffability and finishes clean.
Overall: very good

Vacation Land Summer Ale (4.90% ABV) an American Blonde Ale by Gritty McDuff's.
Brisk and refreshing with a pleasant bitter snap that truly hits the spot.
It pours a deep gold with a white floof of foam that leaves behind layers of lacing. The aroma is hoppy with a sweet undercurrent of caramelized malt. The taste is of piney and citrussy hops that is perfectly biting. Sweeter flavors linger in the background to add balance. The finish is dry and clean and hoppy. The mouthfeel is medium and bubbly.
Overall: good

Lost Sailor (5.5% ABV) an India Pale Ale from Berkshire Brewing
This is and English style IPA so, if you're expecting tongue stripping hoppiness, you won't find that here.
It pours a cloudy orangy red. The aroma is very malty. The taste is somewhat light. Sweet heavy malts are upfront with some hoppiness on the back end and it finishes dry. The mouthfeel is medium with lots of carbonation.
Overall: good.
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