I picked up this beer on a whim. I like peaches. I like beer. It could be good.
A precursor to Pêche Mel’Scaldis was a brewtail made up by students who would mix of equal parts Scaldis Amber and peach juice. The popularity of the cocktail was the inspiration for making it an official brew of Brasserie Dubuisson,
Pêche Mel’Scaldis (8.5% ABV) pours a hazy orangish amber with a wisp of a head.
The aroma is very peachy with underlying Belgian funkiness.
The taste is big time juicy peaches with a whisper of bitterness. There is some Belgian funk but it is mostly overtaken by the fruity sweetness. The finish is somewhat sticky.
The mouthfeel is medium-light and smooth.
Pêche Mel’Scaldis makes for a refreshing summer brew or an after dinner beer. Drink in moderation, though, it's a strong one!
Overall: good
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