Another great day for riding during the best weather bike week has seen in maybe forever. So, of course we took advantage of the situation, saddled up, and hit the road.
Destination? Up through the windy roads of Crawford Notch and onward to Littleton NH. Specifically, Schilling Beer Company.
The brewery is situated along the banks of the Ammonoosuc River and is housed within a converted mill. A lovely location and a cool building.
We started with a couple items from the menu and, since we were riding, we decided to share a couple flights of samples.
The food was fabulous! The homemade pretzels with beer cheese and sweet/spicy beer mustard dipping sauces were absolutely delish. The maple bacon stromboli was un-freaking-believably awesome. Awesome, I say.
The beer was pretty stinkin' tasty, too.
Jeremy was the bartender on duty and the bar was hopping. He was busy as all get out but still took the time to explain the brews and provide friendly service.
The whole experience was great and I'll be heading back up there the next time in New Hampshire. I even packed one of their very cool growlers filled with Grotius into a saddlebag to enjoy later.
Gratzer (3.5% ABV) a Polish style oak smoked wheat beer.
Poured clear pale amber with a thick clingy poof of foam. The aroma was mildly smoky with clear wheat undertones. The tasty is lightly fruity and grainy. The smoke flavor is clearly defined yet pleasantly subtle. There is the barest hint of hop bittering. The mouth feel is leaning towards medium with good carbonation.
Overall: good
Pater (4.8% ABV) is an abbey singel (blonde).
Poured a hazy honey gold color with a smallish white head. The aroma is yeasty, some cracker, and a bit of funk. The taste is malty with some of the Belgian yeasty funk. On the light side but very tasty. Very drinkable.
Overall: very good
Nouveau Monde (5.2% ABV) is a witbier.
Poured a cloudy golden yellow with a small cap of white foam. The aroma is yeasty with a touch of citrus. The taste is much the same with a touch of gentle spices. This brew is summery and refreshing. The mouth feel is smooth with gentle carbonation.
Overall: very good
Foy (7% ABV) a Belgian IPA
Poured a hazy orange with a thick floof of sticky foam. The aroma is a burst of hops mingling with Belgian funkiness. Interesting. The taste is like a trappist ale mixed with an IPA. Smooth and somewhat sweet with a nice bite of bitter hops. Clean and crisp and yummy!
Overall: very good
Grotius (6.7% ABV) a Belgian Dubbel
Poured a clear copper with a poofy head that tracks lace down the side of the glass. The aroma is malty with caramel and dried fruit. The taste is very much like the smell with a touch of bitterness to balance out the flavors. A rich and flavorful brew. A good example of the style.
Overall: very good.
Poured a dark sable brown with ruby highlights with a thick head.
The aroma is of roasted malt, molasses and dark fruit. The taste is of deep dark malts and sugars. Roasty and gently bitter. There is no alcohol presence to speak of. We had this with normal carbonation and on nitro. The flavor changes subtly but the mouthfeel is quite different. On nitro it is cream and luxurious. Regular carbonation is crisp and tingly. Great both ways! This is an excellent example of the style
Overall: very good.
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