I've found that darker beers - like brown ales, porters, and stouts - work well with beef. As much as I hate to "waste" a good beer by cooking with it, the better the beer the better the results.
For this recipe I selected a brown ale. The meat is marinated in the beer, then stuffed with garlic, seasoned, then roasted. It's incredibly flavorful. Perfect for a hearty meal and then sliced up for sandwiches if you manage to have left-overs.
Beerific Garlic Roast Beef
3 to 3 1/2 lbs of Boneless Rump Roast
1 12-Ounce Bottle/Can Brown Ale
Olive oil
8 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper
Place the roast in a resealable plastic bag. Pour the beer over it and place in the refrigerator. Allow to marinate at least 8 hours before cooking.
About an hour before you're going to cook the roast, remove from the refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature.
Preheat the oven to 375°F.
With a sharp knife make 8 small incisions around the roast. Place a sliver of garlic into each incision. Take a tablespoon or so of olive oil and spread all around the roast. Sprinkle around the roast with salt and pepper.
Place the roast directly on an oven rack, fatty side up, with a drip pan on a rack beneath the roasting rack. This arrangement creates convection in the oven so that you do not need to turn the roast. The roast is placed fat side up so that as the fat melts it will bathe the entire roast in its juices.
Brown the roast at 375°F for half an hour. Lower the heat to 200°F. The roast should take somewhere from 2 to 3 hours additionally to cook. When the roast just starts to drip its juices and it is brown on the outside, check the temperature with a meat thermometer. Pull the roast from the oven when the inside temperature of the roast is 135° to 140°F. Let the roast rest for at least 15 minutes, tented in aluminum foil to keep warm, before carving to serve.
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