What's this? Praise to Ninkasi! A double bock!
There was absolutely no doubt as to what I was having. I immediately ordered a Henry's Farm Doppelbock (7.8 % ABV).
The rich reddish-brown lager was served in a snifter glass. It arrived with a thick off-white head that diminished to a thin bubbly layer.
I didn't get a lot of aroma but as the beer warmed I detected subtle maltiness.
With the first sip I knew this was a winner for Two Roads! True to the style, there is a strong malt presence along with hints of fruit. A touch of tartness and the bittering effect from the hops balances out this otherwise sweet brew.
The mouthfeel is medium with pleasant effervescence that lingers on the tongue. Don't be fooled by how smooth this beer is. I didn't actually taste the alcohol but it's warming qualities can be felt, especially as the brew loses its chill in the glass.
The only problem I see with Henry's Farm is that it goes down way too easy and is far too drinkable for its strength.

What made this beer better for me was when I heard the back story to the name. Unlike all the other Two Roads beer that have names related in some way to Stratford, Henry's Farm is so named after the grandfather of Two Roads Brewing CEO, Brad Hittle. Grandpa Henry had a farm in rural North Dakota and every year he would brew a batch of beer out in the barn - a doppelbock.
Henry's Farm is a fitting honorarium to Brad's grandfather. I think Henry would be proud!
There's one thing that is curious to me. Was it coincidental that the release of Henry's Farm corresponds with Lent; a time that, historically, Christian monks fasted on nothing but bock beer and water? All I know is that if all I consumed was Henry's Farm and water during Lent, I'd spend every day passed out in a chair until Easter. Just sayin'.
For more information about Two Roads Brewery visit their website and make sure to "like" them on Facebook!
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