Monday, August 19, 2013

Mama's Little Yella Pils

Craft beer. Check

Craft Beer in a can. Check.

Craft Beer in a big tall can. Check.

An ice cold craft beer in a big tall can - check, check, check, check.

Ahhh, all is right with the world.

Mama's Little Yella Pils is a beer I've been meaning to drink for quite a while. So, when I spied a can of it on the shelf of The Country Mile, I snatched it up despite the two armloads and fists full of beer I was already balancing.

My experiences, thus far, with Oskar Blues beer have been happy and delicious.  I was expecting nothing less from this small batch brewed Czech style pilsner.

Mama's Little Yella Pils comes in at a very sessionable 5.3% ABV.

It pours a clear golden yellow with a smallish head despite a fairly aggressive pour.  The bright white head left behind a remarkable amount of glass grabbing lace.

The aroma is typical for the style - very pilsner-esque, as it were - with notes of bright Saaz hops and grain.

The taste is clean, fresh and perfectly pilsner-y.  Grains add sweet biscuit flavor and the hops add a small nibble of bitterness.  There is nothing overpowering here. There is an impressive lemony-ness  towards the end that just puts this pilsner over the top for me. So good! The finish is crisp and (again) clean.

The moutfeel is light with lovely carbonation.  Too quaffable, nearing chuggable.

An excellent example of the style.  Very want-more-able.

Mama's Little Yella Pils is a good beer for people who are interesting in craft beer but don't know where to start.  Or for someone who is afraid of craft beer and thinks they're all big and fancy.  This pilsner is crisp, light and drinkable.  A classic style that is simply delicious.

Overall: excellent

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