I love a good pale ale. I like the more bitter American style just as much as I like the sweeter maltier English style.
Great Divide fills the bill quite nicely with their English style pale ale.
Denver Pale Ale (5.40% ABV) pours a clear golden amber with a finger or two bright white head that settles into a fine layer of foam.
The aroma is heavy with bready grains and floral hops. Appealing and mouth watering.
The taste is nicely malty with lovely bread-like overtones. Floral and grassy hops add character and balance but not too much bitterness. The caramel sweet malt and the biscuit qualities of the English style pale ale are what really do it for me in this beer. The finish is crisp and dry with a whisper of hoppy bitterness.
The mouth feel is medium with good carbonation.
Denver Pale Ale is a great example of an English style pale ale. Very nice.
Overall: very good
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