I've had a couple bottles of Attempted RedRum from New England Brewing Company hanging around for months and months and never quite found the right opportunity to bust into a bottle.
When I was selecting what beers to bring along for a recent camping trip, I thought it would be a perfect beer to enjoy while relaxing by a raging campfire.
Ironically, and completely unplanned, I just so happened to be reading the sequel to the Shining (Doctor Sleep) during the same camping trip.
So, it really was the perfect time.
Attempted RedRum (13.00% ABV) pours a dense reddish orange color that resembles fresh unfiltered apple cider. There's barely a head to speak of, just a halo around the edge of the glass.
The aroma is rummy, boozy with hints of dark fruits and caramel.
The taste mirrors the aroma. There is a clearly defined taste of rum accentuated by caramel and some dark, rich fruit. It is also has a brandy like booziness, that is quite nice. This is a sipper not a gulper! The finish is thick and sweet.
The mouthfeel is super creamy and warming. The alcohol leaves a nice tingle.
This is bold brew, tasty but intense. Barleywines are not my favorite style but I liked it.
Overall: good.
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