Friday, February 22, 2013

Moat Mountain Wee Heavy

For most people, winter time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire is about snow sports.  For me, it's about the beer.  Of course, for me, it's always about the beer.

So, a trip to the Mount Washington valley wouldn't be complete without a trip to Moat Mountain Smokehouse and Brewing Co.

In between adventures - yes we actually do more than just drink beer - we stopped by for a bite to eat and a refreshing cold beverage.

For noms I got the curry crab and corn chowder and Buffalo wings.  I love the soup and the wings are enormous and tasty.  I was remiss in ordering my favorite appetizer this time - hush puppies with maple syrup - there's always next time.

I was really looking forward to a 20-oz Violet B's.   And then I noticed a new beer on the house draft menu.  Wee Heavy, a scotch ale.  Do I like scotch ale?  Hmmm.  I don't know.  It's not a style I typically select.  Nevertheless, I had to try it.  

Typically, a scotch ales are a malted pale ale. They're usually classified as light, heavy, export or wee heavy.  The classification is determined by the alcohol content.  From light coming in at a very sessionable 3.5% ABV and wee heavy tipping the scales at 6% ABV or more.

I like pale ale, I like malt and I like alcohol . . . win, win, win.

Moat Mountain's Wee Heavy weighs in at 7.8% ABV and is only available in a 16-oz glass, as opposed to a big honkin' 20 ouncer.   It arrived in a shaker pint with a thin swirly head.  The aroma was malty with a sour undertone.  The taste was big and bold.  Malty, spicy to start with a dry finish.  The mouth feel is heavy and smooth, almost creamy - very nice.  It was interesting that it tasted very strong (alcohol-wise) and I was expecting a big boozy burn.  But that didn't happened.  

I like this beer A LOT.  I ordered a second glass, if that's any indication.  Sadly, Wee Heavy is only on tap on premises and is not available in growlers or bombers.

Over all, super good. 

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