Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moat Mountain treats me like a cele-beer-ty

Traditionally, when we're heading home from a visit to the North Conway area in the gorgeous White Mountains region of New Hampshire, we stop by Moat Mountain Smokehouse and Brewery to fill up our growlers and grab some bombers to carry us through to our next trip to the White Mountains.

This trip was no exception.  We walked through the front door and were greeted by the host as such . . .

Or something like that.  Mind you, we're there a few times a year, but it's not like we're really regulars.  But I DO post loads of photos and blog about their beer.  Still, I find it amusing that they remember us.

We enjoyed a fabulous lunch of hush puppies with maple syrup, cheddar burger topped with BBQ pulled pork, BBQ brisket on Texas Toast and big, honkin' 20-ounce glasses of Violet B's Blueberry.

Upon finishing our meal we asked for the growler refills and a few bombers of Russian Imperial Stout. **sigh** Time to head home.

Suddenly Bill, the operations manager/business development manager/marketing madness manager, appeared at our table and asked if we'd like the "5-minute" tour of the brewery.  

Well, DUH! 

Hmmm, I wonder how he knew we were there?

Then he introduced us the the head brewer, Scottie, who lead us past the bar, through the kitchen, down a flight of stairs and  into the brewery located in a subterranean lair beneath the restaurant.

I've done a lot a brewery tours and I can safely say that I've never ever seen a brewery like this one.  

The number of tanks crammed into such a small space is a testament to incredible spacial conceptualism and sheer determination.  The volume of beer they produce from a seven barrel brewing system is nothing short of amazing.  They not only provide for the pub up above, but Moat Mountain also distributes their brews to other restaurants and beer retailers.  

Scottie must be some sort of freakish beer batch scheduling savant!  He also makes some wicked good beer!

The good news is, soon they will be expanding their operations and will be able to triple their brewing capacity.  The tanks seen scattered about the restaurant grounds will be used in the new brewery that will be down the road a piece.

Cheers to Moat Mountain.  Thanks to Bill for arranging the tour.  And thanks to Scottie for spending so much time talking with us and showing us around.  I love you guys! (I really do!)

For more information, check out Moat Mountain's website or visit them on Facebook

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