Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sled Dog Dopplebock

I have to say this beer was a surprise.  I received it as part of a gift, so that was certainly a surprise.  But it was really quite good.  There's no better surprise that that!  Free beer is always the best kind of beer!

Sled Dog Doppelbock (8.5% ABV) by Wagner Valley is a Bavarian style doppelbock.  It pours a clear reddish brown with little head.  

The aroma was very malty with a hint a caramel.

The first thing I tasted was caramel malt.  The other flavors like dried fruit and bread came through. Sled Dog is not bitter at all.  The finish is clean and slightly fruity.

The mouthfeel is rather light for this style.  The carbonation is mildly bubbly and there is a pleasant alcohol warmth.

This is a very enjoyable brew that goes down easy.

Overall, very good.

Visit Wagner Valley's website for more information on their other brews and "like" them on Facebook to get updates.