The beer guy at my go-to beer store knows how much I like IPA's. So when he suggested that I give All Day IPA a try and went on to add that it was his favorite IPA. He has a knack for steering me in the right direction so I decided to give it a go.
I've only ever had one IPA that I really really didn't like, so the odds were good that I'd like this one. Mmmm. You'd think.
All Day IPA pours a clear amber with a small head that quickly dissipates There are scads of bubbles in this brew, they cling to the inside of the glass like the beer has been aerated. Pretty neat.
My initial reaction to the aroma was, "I am not going to like this." It has the same dank, musty aroma that Enjoy by 04/01/2013 has. Yeah, that would be the one IPA that I really really didn't like. It has to be the hops that they have in common. But, I don't know, because they're not really clear on what hop varieties they use.

The taste is pretty much what I expected. The dank, mustiness in the aroma carries through to the palate. It clings to the back of the throat in a way that is smelled as much as tasted. And that dank flavor lingers in the finish. I find it unpleasant and unappealing.
It's not all bad. There are the bitter hop characteristics that I enjoy. There is also a malty quality that offsets the bitterness quite nicely.
The mouthfeel is light and tingly. That and the relatively low 4.7% ABV make this a very sessionable brew.
If you like that particular hop profile that I seem to find so offensive, and apparently some people do because it gets rave reviews, then you will like this beer. Me? I could barely choke it down. Overall - blah.
Well, if nothing else, I like the name and the label design is pretty cool. It reminds me of a summer outing I like that.
For more information about their beers visit Founder's website or check them out on Facebook.
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