Monday, April 29, 2013

Small Craft Über Pils

I bought a six pack of Small Craft Über Pils brewed by Heavy Seas pretty much on a whim when looking for something for my Friday night/end of the week decompression session.  It was a cold  beer that I'd never had before from a brewer I'd never heard of.  That's good enough for me!

Small Craft (7.25% ABV) pours a bright gold bordering on amber.  It starts out with a generous head the diminishes to linger finger high head that leaves behind a wisp of lacing.  

The aromas is a little hoppy and a little bready with a hint of sweet malts.

The alcohol is well disguised beneath layers of caramel malt and mildly bitter hops.  Small Craft is slightly sweet and nicely balanced.

The mouth feel is medium with pleasant effervescence.

This is a smooth drinking beer with fairly bold flavor.  

Overall: Good

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