There's no denying it's winter time. It's freaking cold out there! In fact, it's been beyond freezing for days and days. It appears that there is no end in sight. One might go so far as to say that we're well into a cold snap.
When I spied Samuel Adams' new winter brew on tap - ironically called Cold Snap - I had to give it a try.
Cold Snap (5.30% ABV) pours a cloudy honey orange color. The thick creamy head quickly dissipates but leaves behind loose lacing.
The aroma is wheat mingling with soft spices and lots of sweet orange.
The taste is a burst of wheat and orange. This is a relatively sweet beer and not even a little bit bitter. The coriander spice notes are much more subtle but linger in the finish.
The mouthfeel is medium and smooth.
This is a supremely drinkable, slam-backable beer. I can say this without hesitation because I knocked one back in short order and was ready for another. I like it. I like it a lot.
Overall: very good
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