Thursday, January 2, 2014

Trappist Westvleteren Blond

I was shocked when I saw the condition of the care package sent to me all the way from Belgium. The box was split and bubble wrap was hanging out. Out of the three bottles of Brouwerij Westvleteren beer sent to me only two survived. Thankfully two survived. A bottle of Trappist Westvleteren XII (read my review here) and a bottle of Trappist Westvleteren Blond.  The smashed bottle was a second bottle of Westy 12. So sad.

Trappist Westvleteren Blond (5.80% ABV) is a Belgian Pale Ale.

It pours a hazy honey gold. Bits of sediment can be clearly seen. The head is full but not particularly fluffy. There is no lacing; the residual foam slides down the sides of the glass.

The aroma is interesting in a pleasant sort of way. Wheat and Belgian yeast funk.

The taste is wheat up front with sour undertones. Belgian funkiness adds spice and fruit characteristics. The pale malts give some sweetness and this is offset by mild bitterness. There is biscuit and grain throughout that carries through to the finish.

The mouth feel is light to medium with brisk carbonation.

Trappist Westvleteren Blond is crisp and drinkable. I have to admit I like the XII much much better, this is a fine beer and certainly worthy of a must try brew.

Overall: very good.

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