Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hop Session **RE-revisited**

My quest for the freshest White Birch Hop Session continues.

I have been trying to find Hop Session for months. Read about my previous experiences here.

This time I did not seek out the brew, but quite happily found it on tap at my favorite place for hot wings and cold beer - Porky's Cafe in Shelton CT

I'm thinking if it's on tap, it's probably pretty fresh. Porky's cycles their guest tap brews pretty fast and this one wasn't there last week.

Hop Session Ale (5% ABV) was served in a classic shaker pint.

pours a hazy golden amber with a floofy root-beer like off-white head. It leaves behind amazing glass grabbing lace.

The aroma is a burst of citrussy and earthy hops.

The taste is nice hearty grapefruit and resinous hops. Bold but not biting. The underlying sweet malts balance out the flavors but does not overwhelm.  The finish is bitter and dry.

The mouth feel was very fuzzy with loads of carbonation.

The fresher Hop Session the bolder the hop profile. However, it's not a super hoptensive beer. It's nicely bitter and well balance. It's a good sessionable brew and never overpowering.  Good stuff. Get some! But get it fresh!

Overall: very good

I believe that the inevitable conclusion to my quest will lead me to the White Birch Brewery. I believe if that ever happens, I will stick a straw in the vat and sample directly. It doesn't get any fresher than that!!

There is a precedence!
@ Woodstock Inn Brewery

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