Friday, January 31, 2014

Rye 95

The brewers at Two Roads are some pretty busy little beer makers. By my count, Two Roads has released 21 beers in just over a year in the brewing business - some are on in the regular rotation, some are seasonal, some were limited time offerings.

Alessie Ale Little Heaven
Anniversary Ale No Limits
Belgian IPA Ok2berfest Ein  
Conntucky Lightnin'         Ok2berfest Zwei  
Henry's Farm         Ol’ Factory Pils 
Hizzöner Maibock Road 2 Ruin 
Holiday Ale Roadsmary's Baby 
Honeyspot Road Route of All Evil
Igor's Dream 2013 Via Cordis
Igor's Dream 2014 Worker's Comp

That's a lot of different beers in a relatively short period of time - nearly two a month! And, that's not including the firkins they do every other week or so. It's crazy! Crazy good!!!

The latest addition to the Two Roads line up is Rye 95 (9.5% ABV) an American Tripel brewed with rye.

It pours a hazy golden orange with a floof of foam that dissipates into a fuzzy halo that leaves fin lacing on the glass.

The aroma is a bold burst of rye and a twang of hops.

The taste is a wash of rye complimented with sweet fruit flavors. The sweetness is balance and counteracted by a mouthwatering explosion of hoppy goodness. The finish is dry with the lingering flavor of grain. 

The alcohol is very well concealed.

The mouthfeel leans towards full with loads of carbonation.

The malted rye in Rye 95 gives this beer a singularly distinct flavor among the Two Roads line up of beers.

Overall: good

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