Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fat-Ten-Er #2

I was across the way at Woodbridge Trading Post making a small purchase - literally, it was small. As I was leaving I spied some empty NEBCO growlers on the counter by the door. I was like "Ooo, we should stop and grab some beer while we're in the neighborhood."

The proprietor and all around good guy said to take a growler to get filled; that's what they're there for. Really, Mike keeps a case of growlers on hand to give to his customers in order to support neighboring businesses.  How cool is that??

Okay, you don't have to twist my arm! I took one and made the trek across the street to New England Brewing to get that growler filled.

I figured I'd taste a sample or two, get the growler filled, and go my merry way.

Erm, no. There was a line of people, growlers in hand, forming a line that extended from mid-brewery to practically out the door. Hmm, what's this?

They were filling growlers of the lastest release of their Fat-ten-er series - Fat-Ten-Er #2, a double IPA.

The Fat-Ten-Er series are brewed in a chubby little 10 barrel tank that the brewers at New England Brewing use as their private playground. They're using the fat little ten barrel tank to make small batches of special beers. Get it Fat-ten-er. So clever!

Fat-Ten-Er #2 (8.2% ABV) was worth standing around in a long line for. If you like IPA you will like it, for sure.

It pours a hazy amber with red highlights. The head is thick and fluffy and leaves loose lacing behind.

The aroma is hops, hops, and more hops; predominatly citrus and pine.

The taste is, again, immediatly hop forward.  Tart grapefruit and earthy pine take the forfront but there is a pleasant nutty dankness lingering in the background that gives an already powerful hoppy profile over the top. There is some malt characteristics to lend some sweetness that helps to offset the bitterness. But bittnerness rules this beer from start to finish. The distinctly different layers of hop flavors is impressive. Yum!

The mouthfeel is medium, smooth, and a bit dry.

Overall: Very Good

Oh, by the way. Stay tuned for Fat-Ten-Er #3. It's going to be a milk stout. I got a whiff of it and boy does it smell good!

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