Ugh! Not that kind of butt! I was thinking more along the lines of scuttlebutts.
Not the nattering nosy-parkers that hang around the office cooler gossipmongering like a clutch of free-range blatherers. I couldn't care less about who is doing what to whom or about such & such and so & so involving you know what. I never get involved in that kind of scuttlebutt. I mean really, who cares?
Well, I do! Not so much about the gossip but more about the scuttlebutt.
What in the heck is a scuttlebutt? I've heard a butt scuttle but . . .
I digress.
A scuttle is a small opening and a butt is a large cask. Combine the two and you have a small hole cut into a cask to allow a cold refreshing liquid to issue forth and, well, refresh you. A scuttlebutt, as it were.

And then there's the bunghole. Ugh! Not that kind of bunghole. What is wrong with you people??
Probably the same thing that is wrong with me. I know what my idea of a bunghole was. Think:
“I am the Great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole”
Thanks to Beavis and Butthead, that's what a lot of people think of when they hear the word 'bunghole'.
In actuality, a bunghole really is related to butts. Scuttlebutts, that is. A bung is a stopper, often a cork plug. Basically, you shove the bung in the scuttle to keep the butt from leaking.
Everyone knows how crappy a leaky butt is!

If it's any comfort. We're not the only ones with our minds in the toilet - the terms bung and bunghole have been used as slang for anus since the 13th century.
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