Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Liquid Gold

Captain Lawrence Brewery is a local to me brewery.  Sort of.  It's right across the Connecticut border in New York.  

They're so close and yet I'd never had a Captain Lawrence beer before.

I received Liquid Gold as a gift and I don't know why I waited so long to drink it! 

Liquid Gold (6% ABV) pours like, well, liquid gold with little to no head with a gentle pour.  It is crystal clear and forms a much deep color in the glass.  Lovely.

The aroma has a pleasant wheat aroma, some spice and a whiff of banana.

The flavor is very heffeweizen-ish, though on the light side. The initial flavor is of wheat and that dominates throughout.  Banana, clove and other fruits come through.  The brew is somewhat sweet but not cloying.  There is no bitterness to speak of.  The finish is completely clean and begs for another sip.

The mouthfeel is light and nicely carbonated.  Liquid gold is exceptional drinkable.  I could drink way too many of them.  Exercise some caution due to the ABV.

This is a perfect beer to refresh a dry body on a hot day.  I love it!

Overall: very good.

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