Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fascist Pig Ale

Why did I buy this beer?  It was all about the label for me.  

One look at that cute little oligarchical oinker and it was like that bossy bacon seed was dictating that I purchase a bottle of Fascist Pig Ale.  Who am I to argue with that adorable yet pugnacious porker?

I like his tail, too.

Fascist Pig Ale (8% ABV) is an imperial red ale brewed by Finch's Brewing Company in the arguably autocratic city of Chicago, Ill. 

It pours a hazy deep burnt orange and is pretty dense looking in the glass.  It forms a frothy off-white head with moderately aggressive pour. 

The aroma very malty with citrus and other fruity hops. 

The taste is sweet and malty up front but not sticky sweet. There is a whisper of rye and then it begins to teeter towards bitter hops - grapefruit, juicy fruits.  The finish begins slightly sweet but a resinous bitterness overtakes and washes it away.

The mouthfeel is medium to full and somewhat creamy.  Nice carbonation.

I like Fascist Pig, it's a pretty tasty brew.  It's not just a cute label.  It is hoppy enough to be nearly mistaken for an imperial IPA but sweet and malty enough to lean towards the amber side.  

Overall: very good

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