I've heard rumblings about Conntucky Lightnin' in the brewery. Two Roads has had a great track record with introducing new and wonderful beers. So, this is a beer I've been waiting for.
Conntucky Lightnin' (8.50% ABV) is a moonshine inspired American strong ale brewed with corn grits and aged in bourbon barrels.
Poured straight from the tap into a snifter glass, it is a rich copper red with a wispy layer of foam.
The aroma is distinctly bourbon-ish without being boozy. Malt and grains add depth and character.
The taste is slightly sweet and malty. The bourbon presence is more subtle than expected, but it adds complexity without overwhelming the brew. The corn grits are noticable and are kind of smelled in the back of the throat more than actually tasted. The alcohol is well concealed. The finish is clean.
The mouth feel is medium and smooth.
Conntucky Lightnin' is a much lighter tasting beer than I expected. I had anticipated something bolder. I would have liked a stronger corn presence and a little more boost of bourbon.
Overall: good.
I had this from a bottle and would agree, I was expecting something a bit bolder and more of a bourbon boost, especially after hearing accolades about it.
I had a draft at The New York Pizza and Pasta Company in Plainfield CT. Very good strong ale with a pleasant bourbon taste
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