Monday, June 10, 2013

Pig's Ear

Cockney blokes love to go to the pub for a pint.

'cept if they 'as goin' fer a pint they 'ould say "I'm goin' ter get a tiddley wink ov pig's ear".   

If you're confused, translated they're saying "I'm going to get a drink of beer". 

Get it?  Pig's ear / drink of beer?

Nuff said, yeah? 

Pig's Ear (4.30% ABV) is brewed by Woodstock Inn Brewery in lurvly ...uh... lovely Woodstock, NH.

It pours a clear burnt sienna with a finger of head the diminishes to a skim of foam.

The aroma is sweet, grainy, nutty malts.  Very nice.

The taste is roasty and sweet caramel malts with molasses bread and hazelnut skulking in the background.  The bittering of the hops offset the sweetness.  The finish is dry and bittersweet.

The mouthfeel is pretty light which makes Pig's Ear exceptionally slam-backable.

Overall: very good.

Lawd above! Get off yaaahr arse 'n get yerself one!

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