It's a brutally cold, snowy wintry day. I don't mind the snow or the cold. But some folks might be crying out for global warming.
I'm with them on that one! A frosty cold Six Point Global Warmer, that is.
You see what I just did there? Clever huh? (ツ)
I fully acknowledge I have not been a huge rah-rah fan of Six Point beers. But I really like this one. Quite a lot, actually.
Global Warmer is Six Point Brewery's take on the winter warmer. It's an imperial red ale although, with all the hoppiness going on, it's close kin to an IPA. Mmm, it's hoppy and malty and really flippin' good!

Global Warmer (7% ABV) pours a hazy honey color. It has a tight head the diminishes to a thin foam but clings desperately to the side of the glass.
The aroma dank, earthy, resinous hops and sweet malt.
The taste is a big bite of bitter pine with a tease of caramel maltiness. There's some dankness on the back of the palate. The flavors are wonderfully, precariously balanced in favor of the hops. I like it! The finish is persistent, mouthwatering bitterness.
The mouth feel is mediumish, tingly, and crisp. Very refreshing.
Global Warmer is a nice change of pace from some sweeter, spicer winter ales. Mmmmm, so good.
Overall: very good.
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