Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pre-Flight Pilsner

Maybe there's pilsner in my Czechoslovakian blood, but I can appreciate a good pils.

Plzeňský Prazdroj/Pilsner Urquell is the very first pilsner every made.  It was first brewed in 1842 in Plzen, Czechoslovakia.

Pilsners are great go-to brews for when you just want to kick back and drink a cold brew. I'm not talking bland macro versions; although, there is a time and place for those.  I'm talk about well crafted, traditional style pilsners .

Pre-Flight Pilsner by Airways Brewing is a good one. It is made in the style of pre-Prohibition beers making it maltier and hoppier than your standard macro pilsner. There is nothing tasteless about this beer. Pre-Flight Pilsner is crisp, refreshing, and delicious.

There's something about it though. No matter how lightly and gently I poured, a big floof of whipped cream like head erupted. I'm not complaining, it's actually pretty cool.

Pre-Flight Pilsner (5.40% ABV) pours a pale sunny yellow with an enormous fluffy head that lingers and leaves behind good lacing on the glass.

The aroma is malty and grainy with a tease of hops.

The taste is sweet and malty. The graininess is nice but what sends this brew over the top - besides the big pile foam  - is the hops.  Spicy and gently bitter without overpowering the other flavors. The finish is dry and somewhat bitter.

The mouth feel is light and crisp. The carbonation is excellent.

This is simply a good tasty brew.  I like it! A lot!

Overall: very good.

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