Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Coffee Porter

I spied this brew and thought that it would be a nice after dinner beer. So, bought it not knowing anything about the brewery. Afterwards, I decided to do some research and was intrigued by what I found out about Meantime Brewery.

The original location of the brewery was very close to the Prime Meridian, which is where Greenwich Mean Time comes from; hence the name. 

What is most impressive is that the brewery is focusing on recreating authentic styles of British beer.  That's interesting considering that, in past years, the United Kingdom has notoriously departed from brewing craft beer.

Although there is a resurgence and growth in creating distinctive hand crafted beer in England, Meantime Brewery has gained a reputation for creating quality beers that have resuscitated and breathed new life into classic styles.

Coffee Porter (6.00% ABV) pours a murky chocolaty brown with a small head that leaves behind some loose lacing.

The aroma is mocha like; a nice combination of milk chocolate and fresh brewed coffee.

The taste is coffee and cocoa. There's a nice roastiness that adds bitterness and balance to the sweeter malt flavors.  The finish is clean and mildly bitter.

The mouth feel is somewhat light compared to what I've come to expect from a porter. The carbonation is lively.

Meantime Coffee Porter is a smooth and tasty brew. Definitely a good representation of the style.

Overall: good

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